24 March 2008
17 March 2008
1 By 1 Class
14 March 2008
13 March 2008
Daniel and Caitlin
12 March 2008
"Bei Bei" Parade
This is a video I took of a parade for Latern Festival. The big temple in HaiFong does this parade every year. One of my former students asked me to come watch with him. So, I did. Many people would ask, and have, "Why would a Christian go to such a thing?" My answer is simple: In Taiwan, religion is mixed with every aspect of society, from politics to economics, to social behavior and the lottery [yes, even the lottery].
While watching the parade, i asked my friend a question: "What if I am at work when the parade comes by my home? How do I worship?" He replied, " You can go to the temple, but god isn't there." I said, "Wait! Why would I go to the temple to worship if god isn't there? Where is god?" His answer was, "I don't know. I will ask the caretaker [of the temple]. " He came back and told me that the presence of god is where the statue of that god is. This led me to ask him why do I want to worship a god that cannot be present everywhere. He just looked at me. I know he understood what I said. He could not reply. I thank God that I went there with him. I am glad I was able to share the Gospel of Christ to a young man at a false god's parade. He didn't accept Christ, but, i am still in contact with him. Pray that he can see, for himself, that there is only one true God, and that he needs Christ in his life.
Tony's Engangement
Carlos' Wedding