17 March 2008

1 By 1 Class

Today was an interesting day. My last class of the evening is a 1 by 1 class. I teach a junior high school boy. The family is Christian and they attend church regularly. Tonight, as I walked through the door, his mom asked if she could talk to me. At first, I thought she was going to tell me that class would be cancelled next week because of tests. I already figured that was going to happen. What she wanted was something totally different. She asked me if I would begin class with prayer. Of course, I said I would be happy to do so. I asked her if she had told her son. She said no. I was a little worried about how he would feel about doing this. I told him what his mom wanted us to do and he gladly accepted his mom's suggestion, and even asked me to pray for his tests. So, we prayed before class, asking God to be with our class, his family, and his tests. Our class was different tonight. It felt more relaxed. I am glad his mom asked us to pray. I think next week, I will give him a Bible Verse as well, and then pray.

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