23 April 2007


Just a few things that have happened in the last several months:

1. Celebrated 7 years of marriage. Still can't believe she hasn't killed me.
2. Made plan to go back to US in June.
3. Caitlin is now 7 months old. Time flies.
4. Working like a dog. Some things never change.
5. Working on a site for our church. With help, of course.
6. Played a new game called Acquire. Kewl game...... ask Kyle
7. Had a battle with kidneystone.... will discuss in a more detailed post.
8. Motorcycle accident
9. Found a great coffeeshop that isn't as expensive as starbucks
10. Daniel has found a new person to "da pei pei." The aforementioned Kyle.
11. Ate a fruitcake.
12. Kept up with the soap opera that is unfolding in Fayetteville.
13. Getting angry at traffic in Pingtung. Nothing new about that.

There's other stuff as well, just got tired of listing.

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