16 June 2008

Living in Taiwan

As some of you know, we are buying an apartment here in Pingtung. This is really a very important step for us, and for me personally. It is big because it shows that I will be here permenantly. I am happy that we are able to buy the apartment, but, at the same time, I realize that I will only go to the US to visit, not to live, unless something tragic really happens.


momwithfaithandhope said...

Hi Chris!
You were kind enough to sign our blog, and I attempted to e-mail you, but I'm not sure if it ever made it. Congratulations on you buying an apartment in Pingtung. We are trying to visit Pingtung when we pick up our daughter and would love to see your church! If I asked "way too many questions" in my e-mail forgive me. If you have time, I would love to learn more about Pingtung. tiffanieyee@yahoo.com
Thank you and have a blessed week!

momwithfaithandhope said...

oops! that's blessedwithsweetpeas.com (correction)
